Handy, easy to use, vegetable gardening slide chart for the home and hobby gardener.
This unique Slide Chart, comes with local frost dates, and presents gardening events in a "time phased" format so that it is possible to see at a glance the entire vegetable planting, growing and harvesting period. Chart shows indoor & outdoor planting times relative to spring and fall frost dates for (22) common Garden Vegetables. Our chart will save you hours of research, and greatly increase your chances of having a successful garden by avoiding the frost.
Frost Dates Included: Since frost dates vary from region to region, the frost line slides, making this slide-chart useful in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, where frost is a critical gardening factor (USA & Canada). Front of chart shows the spring season, and the flip side acts as a guide for fall gardeners. Frost dates for a large number of major cities in North America are included in the directions.
Chart is helpful in visualizing the timing of events and resources for the family vegetable garden. Chart includes the following major features in a time phased format using a horizontal calendar