Red, smooth-skinned, juicy fleshed tomatoes that are usually 4-6oz in size. Favorite greenhouse variety.
Tomato – Money Maker
Soil & Water: Tomatoes love fertile soil rich in organic matter. Add plenty of compost prior to planting. Soil pH is preferred between 5.5-7.0. Soak the soil 4″-6″ deep at 7-day intervals.
Planting & Growing: Sow seeds in flats 6-8 weeks before the last frost and thin to 2″ apart after the first true leaves appear. Before transplanting after the last frost, harden off the plants by placing them outdoors for a few hours to start, increasing the amount of time each day until they are accustomed to a full day of sunlight. This variety enjoys hot, humid growing conditions (including greenhouses). Should be staked given the vine.
Harvesting & Storage: Harvest when individual fruits give slightly under finger pressure; the shoulders may not have changed color yet.
Soil Temperature: 68-95F
Planting Depth: 1/4″
Germination: 5-10 Days
Height At Maturity: 5-6′
Days To Maturity: 75-80 Days
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
Spacing After Thinning: 36″